Schedule for the day… Adobe Creative Cloud -Photoshop Magazine Project -See Rubric for Requirements
Objective: Describe characteristics of Entrepreneurs, explain how sound financial decisions can increase wealth and a person’s standard of living. Students will be able to describe and identify economic systems and explore the role of competition. August 24-28, 2015 Monday Openers: Think about the Business that you would like to start… What factors will influence the […]
Schedule for the day… Logging into D2L Review Rule of 72 Present Value and Future Value using Microsoft Excel –Click here for resource link
Schedule for the day… Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop
Schedule for the day… Finish up Technology Article Discussion Microsoft Office Review -Access Databases & Mail Merge
Schedule for the day… WU Online Learning System – D2L Real and Nominal Income Rule of 70 and 72
Objective: Describe characteristics of Entrepreneurs, explain how sound financial decisions can increase wealth and a person’s standard of living. Students will be able to describe and identify economic systems and explore the role of competition. August 17-21, 2015 Monday Seating Chart Reminder: Notebook for openers—Need it Tuesday! Will turn in on test days Course syllabus—posted […]
Schedule for the day… Personal Finance Resource and Article Review Freegan Video Dave Ramsey Radio Show Monday we will all have access to D2L!
Schedule for the day… IT Article Reviews -Class Discussion
Schedule for the day… Microsoft Office Review -Databases ACCESS
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