Course Syllabus

Prerequisite:  Business Essentials and/or Computer Applications



Mariotti, Steve. Entrepreneurship. Owning Your Future. Pearson 2010.


Course Description:  This course introduces students to the basics of creating, operating a business and prepares them for their professional career.  Students will develop and present a business plan while learning from local entrepreneurs what it takes to be a successful business owner.


Course Objectives:  Entrepreneurship is a technical level class in the marketing and finance pathways.  For more information go to the CTE website. Students will develop the skills necessary to create and present a business plan for a small company. The objective of this course is to facilitate the learning of basic business skills that all students will find helpful, aid in development of career and college ready skillset, and that will potentially increase their employability.


Grading Scale:

A         100% – 90%

B         89%   – 80%

C         79%   – 70%

NC      69%  – ↓


Late / Make-Up Work

  1. Once instruction is provided in a given area, students will work at their own pace.
  2. Students that fail to complete assignments by the cut-off date will be graded at 50% of the grade it would have received.
  3. No late assignments will be accepted in the last week of the semester.
  4. I will not pursue you about your missed work. Remember that it is your responsibility to determine what assignments you are missing. Use your advisory period or before and after school lab time to complete your assignments.




  1. Student use of computers shall be in accordance with the “Computer Acceptable Use Policy” in the Student Handbook.
  2. Students are not allowed to change computer settings unless directed by the instructor; this includes screen savers, backgrounds, mouse, keyboard or other computer settings. Students are not to remove or disassemble the mouse on any computer.
  3. Students will not be allowed to play games on the computers or “surf” the internet, unless it is directly related to the completion of an assignment in this class, as this class is designed to teach the students content that increases their employability.
  4. Violation of any of the above expectations may be sufficient grounds for loss of computer use and/or disciplinary action.


1.      Be Prompt

2.      Be Prepared

3.      Be Productive

4.      Be Positive

5.      Be Polite

*Students will stay in their assigned seats until the teacher dismisses the class.*


Absolutely no Cell Phones – If I see or hear it, it’s with me until the end of the hour.


Any cheating will result in an automatic zero on the assignment for all parties involved and referred to the Administration for further action.


Class Policy on being absent: 

Student must report to the teacher the next day they are in school

  • If you know you will be absent because of a school related reason (sports, field trip, music, band, etc.) it is your responsibility to let me know when you will be absent and your work will be due at the same time.
  • The due dates will be final.  If an unexcused absence occurs on the due date, the student will receive a zero for the assignment.  If the student is excused for that day, the assignment is due on the next school day in which the student is present.
  • In case of an excused absence the student will be given one day for each day missed. See page 17 of Student Handbook.
  • Any student who checks into school after 8:00 AM must first report to the Attendance Office and receive an ADMIT to class. Any student who is counted absent for first hour will be presumed absent for the entire school day if they do not report to the Attendance Office and get an admit slip.
  • Students who miss school because of an UNEXCUSED absence will be required to complete the daily work but will not be given credit. Exams and major assignments must be made up by the student in order to receive credit.


Behavior Policy:

If student behaves inappropriately (as deemed by the instructor) the instructor has the right to assign detentions and/or referrals.  See Student Handbook pages 21-29


Tardy Policy:  Page 18 of Student Handbook.

  1. 1st tardy – teacher/staff member will notify student.
  2. 2nd tardy – teacher/staff member will conference with student and notify parents.
  3. 3rd– tardy – teacher/staff member will assign a 3 hour Friday or Saturday detention to the student. The referral notice shall state the date on which the teacher visited with the parent/guardian concerning the student’s tardiness, the date of the detention, and the dates of the first three tardies.
  • Excessive tardies as defined above may also result in the removal of Renaissance benefits as well as ability to participate in other incentives, privileges, or honors.


About the author: Mrs. Golden