Day 57

Schedule for the day… Chapter 4 – Business Ethics -Vocabulary Strategies -Ethical Decision-Making Process Objectives: -Define Ethics and Business Ethics -Describe why ethical behavior is good for business -List the steps for dealing with an ethical dilemma -Read texts to acquire new information -Develop and understanding of diversity in language use across cultures -Understand the […]

Day 55

Schedule for the day… Problem Based Learning Pilot Treating People Right – SIT WITH YOUR TEAM! PRESENTATIONS!! PM RUBRIC Human-Resources Law Handbook Each team develops a human-resources law handbook using technology of choice (e.g., word processing program, presentation software, website builder software, etc.). The handbook is directed at a specific, assigned audience (i.e., employees and interviewees, […]

Day 56

Schedule for the day… Problem Based Learning Pilot Treating People Right – SIT WITH YOUR TEAM! PRESENTATIONS!! PM RUBRIC Human-Resources Law Handbook Each team develops a human-resources law handbook using technology of choice (e.g., word processing program, presentation software, website builder software, etc.). The handbook is directed at a specific, assigned audience (i.e., employees and interviewees, […]

Day 54

Schedule for the day… Problem Based Learning Pilot Treating People Right – SIT WITH YOUR TEAM! PM RUBRIC Human-Resources Law Handbook Each team develops a human-resources law handbook using technology of choice (e.g., word processing program, presentation software, website builder software, etc.). The handbook is directed at a specific, assigned audience (i.e., employees and interviewees, interviewers […]