September 12-16, 2016
Objective: Students will create, format, edit documents using utility tools.
Students will master formatting, inserting tables and creating Business Letters.
- Typing Test for a grade…?
- Look at Timing Chart –WRHS
- Complete: Module 3
- Review Business Letters and tables… Examples
- Block Format
- Red Steps—PRINT Letter—Add a header
- Pages WD 121-173
- Complete: Apply Your Knowledge –PRINT
- Pages WD 174
- ADD a header with your Name, Hour, File
- Complete: Lab 2 —PRINT
- Pages WD 180-181
- ADD a header with your Name, Hour, File
- XC Complete: Lab 1 pages 179-180
- Review Business Letters and tables… Examples
- Wrap up Module 3 –Business Letters
- Quiz on Business Letters on Wednesday
- Complete: Apply Your Knowledge –PRINT
- Pages WD 174
- ADD a header with your Name, Hour, File
- Complete: Lab 2 —PRINT
- Pages WD 180-181
- ADD a header with your Name, Hour, File
- XC Complete: Lab 1 pages 179-180--PRINT
- Timing Score?
Introduce Module 5
- Resume Writing… Important document for you
- Examples
- Red Steps—Save your Work
- Pages WD 257-304
- Resume Writing… Important document for you
- Examples
- Student Notes—handout
- Red Steps—Save your Work-Create Resume for Yazzie
- Pages WD 257-304
- Complete: Lab 1
- Pages WD 308-310
- Change the name to yours on the resume
- Complete: Lab 2
- Pages WD 310-312
- Change the name to yours on the resume
Check Your grades—Incomplete work?—Due Today
- Resume Writing… Important document for you
- Examples
- Student Notes—handout
- Red Steps—Save your Work-Create Resume for Yazzie
- Pages WD 257-304
- Complete: Lab 1
- Pages WD 308-310
- Change the name to yours on the resume
- Complete: Lab 2
- Pages WD 310-312
- Change the name to yours on the resume