Day 12

Schedule for the day… Chapter 2 Quiz – EADMS Chapter 3 – Economic Indicators -GDP Exercise -What do you CONSUME? -5 richest / 5 poorest countries worksheet.

Day 9

Schedule for the day… Chapter 2 – Economic Resources and Systems -Supply and Demand Click here for the Online Activity  Apply what you learned! Lemonade Stand Game – Cool Math Games The student with the highest profit wins a FREE  drink to Common Grounds!

Day 8

Schedule for the day… Chapter 2 – Economic Resources and Systems Section 2.2 – Economic Systems -Describe the three basic economic questions each country must answer to make decisions about using its resources. -Contrast the way a market economy and a command economy answer the three economic questions. Supply and Demand PowerPoint

Day 7

Schedule for the day… Chapter 2 Section 2.1 – Economic Resources -Explain how scarcity requires individuals and nations to make decisions about resources. -Describe the four factors of production. Graphic Organizer Activity Activity: What resources does it take?