Objective: Students will: understand the purpose of a business plan and identify its parts. Identify ways to recognize business opportunities. Identify research methods and learn how to identify competitors. October 10-14, 2016 Monday Openers: Reading Check points 7.2 Return Unit 2 Test Chapters 4 & 5—return to me Read Chapter 7 Check Yourself 7.1—Due Today […]
Objective: Students will: understand the purpose of a business plan and identify its parts. Identify ways to recognize business opportunities. Identify research methods and learn how to identify competitors. October 3-7 2016 Monday Guest Speaker. Janice Southern Star Read Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions 6.2—as a class Check Yourself 6.2—Due Tuesday— Research Food Truck… Set […]
Objective: Students will communicate using business letters, memos and e-mails. Students will explain why negotiations are important. Students will describe the benefits of practicing business ethics. September 26-30, 2016 Monday—No school Tuesday Chapter 5 Review Questions pg. 129—as a class Review/Unit 2 Exam -Wednesday Math review worksheet… Food Truck extra credit picture? Projects: Entrepreneur Notebook—Due […]
Objective: Students will communicate using business letters, memos and e-mails. Students will explain why negotiations are important. Students will describe the benefits of practicing business ethics. September 19-23, 2016 Monday Openers: Business Math page 100 ADD to your openers… Currency exchange rate… https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ Questions: $5.00 dollars equal to Jamaican dollar (JMD)______________________ Cuban Peso (CUP) […]
Objective: Students will communicate using business letters, memos and e-mails. Students will explain why negotiations are important. Students will describe the benefits of practicing business ethics. September 12-16, 2016 Monday Turn in: Opener Notebook Business Math Quiz Worksheet Unit 1 (chapters 1-3) –Today Read Chapter 4 usd437.net Student On-line Testing Student ID number ONLY Projects: […]
Objective: Students will be able to describe and identify economic systems and explore the role of competition. Students will be able to identify four main types of businesses, define liability and types of business ownership. September 6-9, 2016 Tuesday Openers: Reading Check points 3.1 Activity 1 Supply and Demand Pg. 41 Complete: Thinking Globally, Acting […]
Objective: Describe characteristics of Entrepreneurs, explain how sound financial decisions can increase wealth and a person’s standard of living. August 29-September 2, 2016 Monday Openers: Reading Check Points 2.2 Completed: Check Yourself 2.2 & Crossword Puzzle Due Today Complete: Check Yourself 2.1—As a class Project: Profile an Entrepreneur Grading rubric: written paper & presentation-Due Wed. […]
Objective: Describe characteristics of Entrepreneurs, explain how sound financial decisions can increase wealth and a person’s standard of living. August 22-26, 2016 Monday Openers: Reading Check Points 1.1 Completed: Check Yourself 1.1 & Crossword Puzzle Due Today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jylD0pLXn1k Projects: Entrepreneur Notebook—Due November 10th Discover an Entrepreneur/Business—Summary Examples of Notebooks… Grading Rubric Will not grade late […]
Objective: Describe characteristics of Entrepreneurs, explain how sound financial decisions can increase wealth and a person’s standard of living. August 16-19, 2016 Tuesday/Wednesday WELCOME! Seating Chart—Sign up net– pathways, etc. Course syllabus-located on the Website Books– check out Thursday @ 9:50—need student ID Notebook for openers—will need Friday! Will turn in on test days for […]
Entrepreneurship Course Syllabus Mrs. Golden Plan Period 7th hour Room G2436 Prerequisite: Business Essentials and/or Computer Applications Textbook: Mariotti, Steve. Entrepreneurship. Owning Your Future. Pearson 2010. Course Description: This course introduces students to the basics of creating, operating a business and prepares them for their professional career. Students will develop and present a business […]
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